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The Head Of A Pin C.I.C. 


Let’s not be silly about it, the way humans have decided to live is so soul-crushingly hard at times, especially if you have any sort of disadvantage that impacts how you make money, how you meet your basic needs of food and shelter.


The Head Of A Pin, is a community interest company, with the community being all those who have contemplated ending their lives as a result of societal pressures and painful human interactions, with a particular emphasis on those with neurodiversity and/or neurodiversity traits.


At the moment it’s a lot harder living in society for the majority of neurodiverse people, than it is for the majority of neurotypical people. ONS reports show the difference between employment and unemployment, social housing versus home ownership of those termed disabled and non-disabled. This is still an unclear picture because so many people who have neurodiversity traits that affect literacy and numeracy have had their self-esteem so damaged from school experiences that for many they are undiagnosed and/or not identifying themselves with the term disabled.


Research carried out by the Cascade Foundation: 'Men with learning disabilities (neurodiversity) die, on average, 20 years sooner than men in the general population. Women with learning disabilities die, on average, 20 years sooner than women in the general population. Up to 2 million Britons 'have undiagnosed dyslexia' - the cost of this to the UK economy is between £1bn - 2.5bn per year.'


The Head Of A Pin C.I.C. is here because, as a proud neurodiverse person myself, I flippin love other neurodiverse people. I love finding and meeting like-minded people. However, to find so many in challenging economic circumstances makes me know that there’s a real big problem that needs addressing by as many people as possible, as loudly as possible. It needs a forensic approach to exploring and understanding what isn’t being understood about neuro-difference by neurotypical power structures, because I genuinely believe that harm isn’t being intentionally done but is more down to ignorance with a dangerous splash of arrogance, and that things can change for the better, and will change for the better if the situation is properly addressed.


I believe that nothing in society is set in stone, it's all just, at times, a horrible experiment. An experiment where there's lots of flexibility, as long as people know where to flex, and they're prepared to start flexing. Good clothes help with that.


The Head Of A Pin store isn't just about clothes, but it did start from a project that placed cotton as its main connecting and central feature for exploring human behaviour.


Cotton is everywhere. From a canvas to a sofa, cotton archival paper to your pants, bookbinding to banknotes. Cotton is the fabric of society and whilst looking at human behaviour cotton will remain being incorporated into as many projects as possible.


If there was one overarching goal for The Head of a Pin clothing label, it would be to reduce the intoxication of the theatre of fashion so as to stitch back the empirical reality between the individuals who are doing the exploitation and the individuals who are being exploited.

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The H.O.A.P Store


The Head Of A Pin on instagram.



My own ongoing photography project and curated space for inspirational artists who aren’t necessarily included in the UK canon of fine art, especially within UK fine art educational material.

Race superiority and cotton production

Race and Ethnicity superiority: the vilest form of arrogance.

© Laura Mohapi

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